Vocational Studies

Extended certificate in vocational studies (Entry Level 3)


The Gateway Qualifications suite of Vocational Studies qualifications supports personal growth and progression into further learning and/or training. This qualification has been developed to enable learners who are vocationally undecided to have their achievements recognized across a number of different vocational sectors. This qualification is linked to the Gateway Qualifications Suite of Skills qualifications, available in the vocational sectors at Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2 which are progression routes from the Vocational Studies suite.

The employability skills units are common across the suite and also appear within Gateway Qualifications in Employability Skills. Some of the employability skills units also make up the Gateway Qualifications Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills qualifications and the Entry 3 employability skills units also feature in the Entry 3 Preparation for Employment qualifications.

Programme Summary

Qualification Total Units Maximum Credit Total Guided Learning Hours (GLH) Total Qualification Time (TQT)
Gateway Qualifications Entry Level Extended Certificate in Vocational Studies (Entry 3) 10 25 175 250
Unit Level Credit Value GLH Unit Code
Effective Communication at Workplace E3 3 30 Y/504/6310
Exploring and Presenting Enterprise Ideas E3 3 25 J/504/6321
Introduction to Hospitality E3 1 10 A/502/4834
Working Safely in a Retail Environment E3 3 30 Y/504/7618
Safe Learning in the Workplace E3 1 10 F/503/2823
Dealing with Queries and Requests E3 3 20 J/504/7839
Handling Mail L1 2 20 A/504/7840
Working in Business and Administration E3 3 30 R/504/8105
Using Office Equipment in Business Environment E3 3 30 M/504/8113
Supporting Business Meetings L1 3 25 H/504/7847

Achievement methodology

The qualification will be awarded to learners who achieve an approved combination of units through a Portfolio of Evidence that has been successfully verified and monitored through Gateway Qualifications’ Quality Assurance process. Achievement is therefore determined by successful completion of unit assessment with no further requirement for additional/summative assessment.

Progression Opportunities

These qualifications are linked to the Gateway Qualifications suite of ‘Skills for...’ qualifications, available in the vocational sectors listed above at Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2 which are progression routes from the Vocational Studies suite. These qualifications will enable the learner to extend and further develop skills and understanding in a chosen vocational sector.

As the units within the Vocational Studies qualifications are the same as those within the Entry 3 and Level 1 Skills for... qualifications, learning does not have to be repeated and credits can carry forward on to the sector-specific qualifications.


16-18, 19+

Prior Qualifications

There are no prior qualification requirements for these qualifications.

Prior Skills/Knowledge/Understanding

There are no prior skills, knowledge or understanding requirements for this qualification. However, learners will benefit from having functional skills, at least at one level below that of the qualification.


There are no restrictions to entry for this qualification but learners should be 13+ age.

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