DWP Programmes
DWP programmes are an excellent way to build knowledge aufsatz schreiben lassen for your potential workforce.
Preparation for Hospitality Skills Leading to Employment
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of hospitality and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially in hospitality sector. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work in hotel industry. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and employability skills to work in the hospitality sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be engaged with employment in hotel industry
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Developing Retail and Customer Service Skills Leading to Employment
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of retail and customer service skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially in retail, hospitality and catering sectors. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work in retail, hotel and catering industries. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and employability skills to work in the retail and other relevant sectors.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be engaged with employment in retail, catering and hotel industries
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Coaching and Mentoring for Long Term Unemployed BAME
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of current situation and potential employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work in home based and retail jobs. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and motivate the participants for work in the retail ad hospitality sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be engaged with employment
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Beauty Therapy Skills Leading to Employment
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of beauty therapy and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially in beauty and makeup sector. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Young Women, NEETs, carers, 50 plus women and ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work in beauty and makeup industry. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and employability skills to work in the beauty and makeup sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be engaged with employment in beauty and makeup industry
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Health and Social Care Skills for BAME Leading to Employment
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of Health and Social Care and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially with a number of local employers such as Supporting Care, Tender Care and Uriel Care. A full diagnostic interview undertaken.
Target Customers:
Black Minority Ethnicities (BME) and Asian communities with a need to increase confidence, motivation, essential employment and Health and Social care skills and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work with local employers like Supporting Care, Tender Care, Uriel Care and also with a number of other employers. The course will help participants to develop self-esteem and confidence, employability and health and social care skills to work in the relevant sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be prepared for interview and engaged with employment
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month. We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Health and Social Care, Stress Relief and Motivation to Work for Lone Parents
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 14:00 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of health and social care, stress management and motivation to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially with a number of local employers such as Supporting Care, Tender Care and Uriel Care. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Lone parents with a need to increase confidence, motivation, essential employment and stress management and build self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work with local employers like Supporting Care, Tender Care, Uriel Care and also with a number of other employers. The course will help participants to develop self-esteem and employability, health and social care and stress relief skills to work in the relevant sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups and lone parents, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be prepared for interview and engaged with employment
- Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month. We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
English Communication and Child Care Skills for Asian Bangladeshi Women
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of communicative English and childcare skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially with a number of local employers such as Supporting Care, Tender Care and Uriel Care. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Asian Bangladeshi women with a need to increase confidence, motivation, essential English and Childcare skills and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work with local employers like Supporting Care, Tender Care, Uriel Care and also with a number of employers. The course will help participants to develop self-esteem and confidence, English communication and Childcare skills to work in the relevant sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be prepared for interview and engaged with employment
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month. We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Employability Skills for Catering Jobs for BAME
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of life and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially in catering. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation, catering job skills and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable employability skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work in catering sector. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and employability skills to work in the catering sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-4
Week 5-6 (Work placement)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation,
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month. We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
English Communications, IT and Employability Skills for BAME Leading to Employment
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of English Communication, IT and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially with a number of local employers such as Print Art for U, Mithai Ghar, Venecias Coffee, Zever, Ritchies Bakery and Premier Spice Limited. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Black Minority Ethnicities (BME) and Asian communities with a need to increase confidence, motivation, essential English, IT and employability skills and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work with a number of local employers. The course will help participants to develop self-esteem and confidence, English, IT and employability skills to work in the relevant sector especially in retail industry.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be prepared for interview and engaged with employment
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month. We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
ESOL with Live Retail Work Experience for BAME
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of basic English and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially with a number of local retail employers. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Asian and Ethnic minority groups (BME) and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation, essential job skills and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work with local retail employers like Print Art for U, Mithai Ghar, Ritchies Bakery and also with a number of employers. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence, English communication and employability skills to work in the retail sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-5
Week 6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be prepared for interview and engaged with employment
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month. We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Preparation for Cleaning Job Skills for BAME
6 Weeks
(Guaranteed work placement and job interview)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of cleaning and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills for work especially in cleaning sector. A full diagnostic interview undertaken. Guaranteed work placement and job interview.
Target Customers:
Ethnic minority groups (BME) and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation, cleaning job skills and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a transferable skills and engagement experience event, to be able to work in cleaning sector. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and employability skills to work in the cleaning sector.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-4
Week 5-6 (Work placement and live work experience)
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
- 100% Participants will attend in the work placement for live work experience which will help them to be engaged with employment
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Introduction to Employability Skills
(2 Days)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of life and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for work). A full diagnostic interview undertaken.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable employability skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and communication skills in preparation for employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Day 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Day 2, final day activities
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have? and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
British Values and Safeguarding
(2 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of British Values and Safeguarding and work priority skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for British Values and Safeguarding). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary and secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable Skill for British Values and Safeguarding and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and British Values and safeguarding in home and also in employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2 Activities
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients, local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of a venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Business Administration Skills
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of life and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for work). A full diagnostic interview undertaken.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable employability skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and communication skills in preparation for employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have? and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Employability Skills
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of life and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for work). A full diagnostic interview undertaken.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable employability skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and communication skills in preparation for employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have? and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Health and Safety Awareness
(2 Days)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of life and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for health and safety at home and work). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary and secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable health and safety skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and Health and safety awareness in home and also in employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Day 1
· Introduction and potential outcomes of the course
· Teaching and Learning on health and safety awareness · Refreshment · Experience sharing and group discussion · Question and answer session · One-to-one session and individual feedback · Recording individual learning Activities · Recap the entire session · Indication of the second day activities |
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Day 2, final day activities
· Recap of the course and light refreshments
· Continuation of individual tutorials · Multiple Choice Quiz · Lunch · Final evaluation of action and work plan · Plenary to review course, outcomes and evaluation |
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients, local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of a venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Introduction to ICT Skills and e-Safety
(3 Days)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of life and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for work). A full diagnostic interview undertaken.
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable employability skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and communication skills in preparation for employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Day 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Day 2
Day 3
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks (including fruit). ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have? and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Introduction to Healthy Eating and Wellbeing
(2 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of introduction to Healthy Eating and Wellbeing to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for healthy eating and wellbeing). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary and secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable skills associated with healthy eating and wellbeing and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and healthy eating and wellbeing in home and also in employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2, activities
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients, local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of a venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Mind the Gap
(2 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of Mind the Gap course and work priority skills in employment to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for employment). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary and secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
This includes Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is an intensive four-week skills training designed to tackle unemployment, improve motivation and confidence and overcome practical barriers to work. As a work-based learning provider, we are able to create work placement opportunities for all participants and improve their chances of overcoming barriers and securing jobs in the sectors identified above.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2 Activities
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients, local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of a venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills associated with employment and work priority are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Skills for First Aid
(2 Days)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of life and employability skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for first aid). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary and secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable Skills for First Aid and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and First Aid Skills awareness in home and also in employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Day 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Day 2, final day activities
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients, local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of a venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Stress Management and Sustainability in Employment
(2 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of stress management and sustainability in employment to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for stress management and sustainability). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary and secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable Skill for stress management and work priority and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and stress management awareness in home and also in employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2 Activities
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients, local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of a venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Time Management and Work Priority Skills
(2 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of time management and work priority skills in employment to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for time management and work priority skills). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary and secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable Skill for time management and work priority and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and time management and work priority awareness in home and also in employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2 Activities
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients, local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of a venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills of time management and work priority are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have interpersonal skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Basic English Communication Skills
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of Basic English Communication skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for Communication in English and the workplace). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable employment English communication skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and English communication skills in preparation for employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have? and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic English communication skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those communication skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Coaching and Mentoring for Job Interview
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of coaching and mentoring for job interview to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for job interview). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable coaching and interview skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and interview skills in preparation for employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic skills about job interview and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills associated with job interview in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Computer Skills for 50+ Learners
(1 Week)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of Basic Computer skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for operating Computer and the workplace). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
50 plus people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable Computer Operating skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and Computer operating skills in preparation for employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Day 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Day 2-4
Day 5
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic Computer skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those communication skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Confidence Enhancement and Skills Development for Jobs
(8 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of Confidence Enhancement and Skills Development for Jobs to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for basic English and the workplace). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
JCP customers who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services primarily because they have very little knowledge and skills for jobs and find it difficult to engage in day to day activities as a result of the language barrier. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
This eight-week Confidence Enhancement and Skills Development for Jobs is designed to start people on the pathway out of social exclusion and into possible future employment. We expect all 100% to complete and complete an action plan. The course will deliver engaged customers with increased self-confidence and self-esteem. All customers will have a practical personal action plan to follow which help them along the pathway out of poverty and into employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-7
Week 8
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, they need to have confidence and skills to work is essential long before any interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
CV Preparation and Job Search Skills for 50+ Learners
(3 Days)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of basic skills of CV preparation and job search to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for CV Preparation and Job Search Skills). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
50 plus ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable skill, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and CV preparation and job Search Skills in preparation for employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Day 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Day 2
Day 3
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic skills of CV preparation and job search and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those communication skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
(8 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of Pre-ESOL to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for basic English and the workplace). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
JCP customers who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services primarily because they have very little knowledge of the English language and find it difficult to engage in day to day activities as a result of the language barrier. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
This eight-week introductory beginners’ course (Pre-ESOL) is designed to start people on the pathway out of social exclusion and into possible future employment. We expect all 100% to complete and complete an action plan. The course will deliver engaged customers with increased self-confidence and self-esteem. All customers will have a practical personal action plan to follow which help them along the pathway out of poverty and into employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-7
Week 8
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, they need to have basic English skills and motivation to work is essential long before any interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those English skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
(12 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of ESOL to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for basic English and the workplace). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
JCP customers who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services primarily because they have very little knowledge of the English language and find it difficult to engage in day to day activities as a result of the language barrier. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
This twelve-week introductory beginners’ course (ESOL) is designed to start people on the pathway out of social exclusion and into possible future employment. We expect all 100% to complete and complete an action plan. The course will deliver engaged customers with increased self-confidence and self-esteem. All customers will have a practical personal action plan to follow which help them along the pathway out of poverty and into employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-11
Week 12
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, they need to have basic English skills and motivation to work is essential long before any interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those English skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Introduction to Money Management
(1 Week)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of basic skills of money management skills and job search to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for money management). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable skill, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and money management Skills in preparation for employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Day 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Day 2-4
Day 5
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic skills of money management and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those basic money management skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Keeping Jobs
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of business and job skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for jobs sustainability). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young persons from SME background who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services and also find difficulties to continue jobs. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
The course is a generic transferable business and job skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and business and job skills for sustainable employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, they need to have basic skills and motivation to work is essential long before to sustain in a job. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those relevant skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Ready Steady Go!
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of business and job skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for Ready Steady Go associated with business and jobs). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young persons from SME background who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable business and job skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and business and job skills in preparation for employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venues within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. These venues comply with all legislation for disability access and have comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic English communication skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those communication skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Setting Up Your Own Business
(8 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of setting up your own business to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for setting up a business). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young persons from SME background who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services and also find difficulties to continue jobs. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
This eight-week course for setting up your own business is designed to start people on the pathway out of social exclusion and into possible future entrepreneur. We expect all 100% to complete and complete an action plan. The course will deliver engaged customers with increased self-confidence and self-esteem. All customers will have a practical personal action plan to follow which help them along the pathway out of poverty and into business/employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-7
Week 8
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, they need to have basic skills for any business and motivation to work is essential long before any interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those job related skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Introduction to Basic Sewing Skills
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of basic sewing skills to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for sewing skills with business and jobs). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young persons from SME background who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. Local to the job centres and travel to work area.
The course is a generic transferable basic sewing skills and engagement experience event, designed to start people on the pathway out of welfare dependency and into sustainable employment or self-employment. The course will help people to develop self-esteem and confidence and basic sewing skills in preparation for employment/self-employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic sewing skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those communication skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Skills for Work
(8 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of Skills for Work to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for work). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Young persons from SME background who traditionally find it difficult to access JCP services and also find difficulties to continue jobs. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem.
This eight-week introductory beginners’ course (Skills for Work) is designed to start people on the pathway out of social exclusion and into possible future employment. We expect all 100% to complete and complete an action plan. The course will deliver engaged customers with increased self-confidence and self-esteem. All customers will have a practical personal action plan to follow which help them along the pathway out of poverty and into employment.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-7
Week 8
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, they need to have basic skills for work and motivation to work is essential long before any interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those job related skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.
Upskill 50+
(4 Weeks)
DWP Category: R1 (incorporating categories 1, 2 & 3)
Duration of the Class: 10:00 – 15:30 (2 Days in a week)
Class Size: 10–15 participants
Social justice outcomes:
Initial assessment of upskill 50+ to develop an action/work plan which is supported by individual review sessions and group work to increase social awareness and participation skills (essential skills for communication and jobs). A full diagnostic interview undertaken (identify primary & secondary barriers).
Target Customers:
Persons over 50 who for a number of reasons are seeking re-entry into the job market. Our target customers are specifically those who are unlikely to look for work without some help to increase their motivation and confidence. This course is also relevant to people who have been on a career break and are timid about their chances of re-entry.
This intensive yet conducive 4-week course will help customers boost their self-confidence, realise their potential and benefits to an employer, and effectively practice their IT skills and digital job searching. This specialist support will be split into three, two-day intensive skills scan, identifying primary and secondary barriers to employment and designing an individual training plan.
Course Outline & Content of Provision:
Day and Time | Action | Barrier removal and progression |
Week 1
Travel to work areas and local to the job Centres.
Work Education Circumstances Health Aspirations
Week 2-3
Week 4
Achievement and measurement:
Clients will complete an action plan and a multiple-choice quiz based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.
We have a selection of venue within the communities of ethnic minorities groups, located close to the local job centre and travel to work areas. This venue complies with all legislation for disability access and has comfortable surroundings with access to toilets and kitchen areas. Travel costs will be provided; all stationery will be provided along with refreshments such as drinks and snacks. ‘Additional learning support’ resources are also available.
Progression towards/into employment:
There is evidence of a growing need for more transferrable skills in the work force and not just a qualification. These transferrable skills are extremely valuable skills to have, but first the client must understand how they can contribute to this. For example: What skills do they already have and what can be developed? It is also noted that, the need to have basic skills and motivation to work is essential long before interview stage. This evidence is based on performance data of 5 years plus experience of offering this and similar training courses in the adult sector of learning and this specific client group. It is our aim to provide support to clients, allowing them to develop those communication skills in a time bound and specific way before the end of the course and they will have identified a further event or course to attend in the future.
Performance offer/cost benefits analysis:
We forecast that:
- 100% of participants will complete a life skills initial assessment with the results available for both client and Job Centre Personnel
- 100% of participants will complete an action & work plan identifying further resources for motivation, resilience, sociability, professionalism, organisation, initiative, job search, interview technique and workplace behaviours
Achievement measurements and outcomes:
- 100% of participants will gain multiple social justice outcomes
- 100% of participants will complete a time bound specific action and work plan, also completing the course
We are ready, willing and able to provide verifiable detailed evidence of our previous performance data including all DWP/JCP requirements relating to start & outcome ratios, KPI’s, social justice outcomes, sustainability etc. (as required).
Programme performance management, ensuring achievements are recorded:
Client information is recorded at start and throughout the duration to notify and inform the mapping and progress of everyone who attends a course and is registered as a learner at our centre. We use a safe data protection system and we audit information each month.
We can provide and track all clients who attend and monitor their performance when with us. We gather feedback and discuss course content with all our clients to help improve our service and add to our reports for compliance visits if needed. We use our data system to extrapolate management information to continuously evaluate our performance delivery, quality, compliance and contractual KPI’s.