
Bullying is behavior by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally. Bullying can take many forms, for instance, cyber-bullying via text messages or the internet, and is often motivated by prejudice against particular groups, for example on grounds of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Altamira Training Academy is committed to providing a supportive, caring, friendly, safe and secures learning environment in which learners feel safe and free from bullying and harassment. Implicit in our ethos is to instill in all members of the academy community a sense of caring and kindness for one another. Incidents of bullying threaten this and cause enormous stress to victims. We seek to create a culture in which bullying of any kind; either against learners or staff members is completely unacceptable and not accepted by any member of the academy. It can threaten both the mental health and educational progress of our learners. We make clear to all connected with the academy our opposition to bullying and each person’s responsibilities with regard to the minimization of bullying.

Altamira Training Academy’s Anti-Bullying Policy is dovetailed with the Behaviour Safeguarding –Policy and makes it clear what the sanctions are for bullying. We implement disciplinary sanctions that reflect the seriousness of an incident and convey a deterrent effect. Where bullying outside Academy is reported to Academy staff it is investigated and acted on.

We encourage openness in which learners and staff act immediately if there is any suspicion of bullying. Our aim is to promote positive relationships amongst all members of the academy and to develop a culture in which individuals are listened to and their concerns are taken seriously.